Bad Real Estate Photos

It’s fun to look through pictures of houses on the MLS especially when you’re in the market to buy one. Most of the photographs I’ve seen are decent, with the right amount lighting and good angles so you can get an idea of what the house is like. Some however, leave much to be desired. And some, I can’t imagine an agent would want on one of their listings.

Here is a good example:

Besides the obvious chaos of the messy room, do you see something (or someone) that shouldn’t be there?  Is she ok?  

Or, how about this one from a listing in Key West, Florida: 

Are they trying to sell a house or an appointment for a pedicure?


Here are some more scary listings:

Did somebody just get murdered there?

In another listing this creepy doll shows up in every picture taken! Scary!

I think it could use one more dusty fake flower, don’t you? This kitchen has decent counter space but you’d never know it!

In these next photos, the photographer should have been a little more patient and observant….

You should try to keep pets out of MLS photos to begin with but especially pooping dogs!

What’s going on back there? And who’s that in the mirror?

Uhhh, is that a man in a white Speedo or is that a topless woman floating around in the pool? Either way, not a good selling feature!